When: Wednesday, 29. April 2009 21:00
Where: Skopje, Macedonia
Host: Hard Rock, discotheque
Contact: Megjashi Embassy (first@childrenembassy.org / + 389 2 2465 316)

On 29 April 2009 at 21:00 in the discotheque Hard Rock, CIRa and the First Children Embassy in the World – Megjashi organize a Humanitarian concert  “Dream peacefully”.

The concert is organized as part of the Campaign for support of the children and youth – victims of sexual abuse.

The concert will be performed by: Elena Risteska, Ile Spasev, Martin Srbinovski, Marjan Stojanovski, Zoran Dzorlev, Igor Mitrovik, Bravo Bend, Silvi Bend, Vlatko Lozanovski, Dani, Dzemini, Martina, Risto Samardziev, Doni, Bobi – Beetbox, Maja Sazdanovska, Vlatko Ilievski, Eva, Toni Zen, Jovan Jovanov, Aleksandra Pileva, Next Time, Aleksandar Masevski, Elvir Mekik, Daniel Stojmanovski, Beni Shakiri, Tanja B., Deana Nikolovska, Andrijana Janevska, Biba Dodeva.  

The host of the concert will be Lila Filipovska.

The price of the entrance ticket for the concert is 150 MKD.

The tickets could be found at CIRa (Dime Anicin 9, tel:02 3114 855), the First Children embassy in the World – Megjashi (tel:02 2465 316) and at the discothèque Hard Rock.

Media supporters: MTV, A1, A1 Exclusive, Sitel TV, Jungle TV, Alfa TV, Kanal 5 TV, City Radio, Metropolis Radio, Nova Makedonija, Utrinski Vesnik, Dnevnik, Vecer and Vest.

Financial and in-kind supporters:  Cosmofon, Two Hard Production, Community pictures and the discotheque Hard Rock.

Video of the song:

"Dream peacefully” – Official video of the song