When: Tuesday, 13. April 2010 10:30
To: Tuesday, 13. April 2010
Where: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ante Fijamenga 14b
Host: Human Rights House of Sarajevo
Contact: Lejla Mazlic (sarajevo@humanrightshouse.org)

Together with an international (Danish based) consulting firm COWI, the Danish Institute for Human Rights was appointed by the Council of Europe to conduct a study on homophobia, transphobia and discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity in all 47 member states, among the Bosnia and Hercegovina.

The final report will analyze both the legal framework and the sociological situation. The report will propose specific and practical policy recommendations addressed to the 47 Council of Europe member states to improve the fight against homophobia, transphobia and discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity. The research has started in October 2009 and will be finalised in autumn 2010. The launch of the study is foreseen for December 8, 2010.

The outcome will be a comprehensive and comparative report on the situation in all CoE member states. The report will be based on objective, reliable and, as far as possible, comparable data and information. It will also include policy-relevant recommendations and information on positive measures and initiatives (good practices), both by public authorities and civil society. The study will require collaboration and exchange of knowledge with public authorities, national human rights structures and NGOs in the member states in order to contribute to the study by providing data.

As a part of the data collection, DIHR project team is visiting the Helsinki Committee and HRH Sarajevo, discussing about the activities in the field of combating discrimination, experiences with LGBT relevant issues (if any) and knowledge of best practices, projects, campaigns, dedicated to LGBT community in BiH.