When: Tuesday, 1. March 2016 12:30 – 14:30
To: Tuesday, 1. March 2016
Where: Geneva, Palais des Nations
Host: The Permanent Mission of Lithuania and the Human Rights House Network
- Linas Antanas LINKEVICIUS, Minister of foreign affairs of Lithuania,
- Mikheil JANELIDZE, Minister of foreign affairs of Georgia,
- Peggy HICKS, Director of Research and Right to Development Division, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights,
- Maria LEISSNER, Secretary General of the Community of Democracies,
- Volodymyr YAVORSKYI, Centre for Civil Liberties, Member of the Human Rights House Kyiv,
- Anna GERASIMOVA Director of The Barys Zvozskau, Belarusian Human Rights House,
- Ofelya ZALYAN, Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly- Vanadzor, members of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society forum and of the Human Rights House Yerevan.
- Florian IRMINGER, Human Rights House Foundation.
- How to Widen Civil Society Space in the Eastern Partnership Region
2016 marks the anniversary of the United Human Rights system: 50 years of the Covenants, 10 years
of the Human Rights Council and 5th anniversary of the Declaration on Human Rights Education and
Training.On the occasion of the High Level Segment of the 31st
session of the Human Rights Council, governments’ and
civil society actors from the Eastern Partnership region will
meet to present their efforts to promote the civil society
space within their national systems and to widely use the
United Nations human rights mechanisms.
The speakers will exchange views on how civil society space
can be widened within the Eastern Partnership Region
through the promotion of human rights education as well
as through taking advantages of the constructive regional
cooperation among NGOs. The role of governments and
international organizations in promoting the human rights
education and protecting the human rights defenders in
the region will be discussed. The aim is to identify the best
models for education of all NGOs in the field of human
rights, making the human rights a cross-cutting issue of
all NGO activities; to promote wider accessibility of NGO
to the Human Rights Council as well as to propose better
ways for participation of civil society in the UPR process
and other UN Mechanisms.