When: Tuesday, 21. February 2012 19:00
Where: Oslo, House of Literature (Nedjma), Wergelandsveien 29
Host: Norwegian PEN
Contact: (926 88 023)
More info: www.norskpen.no/ArticleDetails/tabid/64/ArticleID/1234/21-februar-Ytringsfrihet-for-papirløse-asylsøkere.aspx

In this seminar Norwegian PEN focuses on the freedom of speech and freedom of opportunities for the asylum seekers without documents. Journalists Jane and Caroline Kjellberg Rugeldalen, author of “Illegal” about paperless in Norway, will play excerpts from their radio documentary.


 Human Rights Lawyer Gro Hillestad Thune
SV-politician Marianne Castle
Representatives of the paperless.


 Ann-Magrit Austenå

The seminar is open to all interested parties – no fee, no registration.