When: Saturday, 5. December 2009
To: Sunday, 6. December 2009
Where: Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Ante Fijamenga 14b
Host: Human Rights House of Sarajevo / CURE Foundation
Contact: CURE Foundation (info@fondacijacure.org / +387 33 660 811)

CURE Foundation organizes two-day follow up training within their program ‘Know Your Rights and Herstory, Empower and Activate Yourself!’. The training will be held for girls from Travnik on topics:

  • SWOT Analysis;
  • Organizing through communication management;
  • Planning of local action.

All participants will receive certificates of CURE Foundation after their attendance of the training.

Two-day (follow up) training is being organizes within the international campagin ”16 Days of Activism”.

Related events:

Workshop for highschool students;

11th X-PRESS Session;

Meeting of Women’s Network of B&H;

Training for Women’s Groups of B&H;

16 Days of Activism – International Campaign.

Organized by: