When: Monday, 5. October 2009
To: Sunday, 8. November 2009
Where: Vilnius
Host: United Centre of Initiatives for Belarus (JuBIC), Swedish International Liberal Centre (Silc), European Humanities University (EHU) and Belarusian Human Rights House in Vilnius (HRH)
Contact: (eotp@eotp.info)
More info: eotp.info

Participants will complete a week-long intensive study course in Vilnius designed by the prominent Norwegian political scientists with previous experiences in numerous international observation missions. Upon the successful course completion participants will receive a special EHU certificate and a SILC certificate. In addition to the course, they will participate in an international observation mission in Ukraine on 17 January 2010 as accredited short-term international observers.  Dedicated and active participants will be invited on at least one more observation mission in 2010.

Potential candidates shall:

  • fill out the online application form (compulsory)
  • be from 18 to 35 years of age (compulsory)
  • exhibit strong civic engagement, be active and up bit (compulsory)
  • be members or activists of NGO’s and/or civic initiatives (preferred)
  • provide a reference from a respected NGO, initiative or civic project (compulsory)
  • speak and understand English (preferred)
  • Be able to participate in the training and observation full-time (from 6 – 19 January 2010) (compulsory).

Previous experience in election observation both domestic and international is welcome but not necessary.

Application deadline: 8 November 2009. Applications sent after 24:00, 8 November will not be considered. 

Online application form is available at http://eotp.info/application-form

All candidates will be informed of the results by 15 November 2009.

Shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview (telephone or skype).

Selection criteria:

  1. Quality of motivation letter and results of interviews for selected applicants;
  2. High level of civic engagement;
  3. Recommendation by a recognized and respected NGO/HR defender/civic activist/politician
  4. Proficiency in English language.


Online application form