When: Tuesday, 21. September 2010 17.00-19.00
To: Tuesday, 21. September 2010
Where: Oslo, Uranienborgveien 2
Host: The Fritt Ord Foundation
More info: www.fritt-ord.no/en/hjem/mer/burmas_kjernefysiske_ambisjoner/

The event will feature Robert Kelley, nuclear physicist and former director of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and Aye Chan Naing, editor-in-chief and executive director of the Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB).

There have been rumours circulating about a Burmese nuclear weapons programme since 2001, when Burma tried to purchase a nuclear reactor from Russia. The rumours were fragmentary, but they had many similarities and gave rise to concerns. Now a source from Burma has furnished strong documentation about secret projects: the building of a reactor, the enrichment of uranium and the designing of an atomic bomb.

The source backs up his contentions with colour photographs of equipment and locations that were already suspected of being part of a nuclear weapons programme. There is no other logical explanation for this secret programme than that it is for military purposes. At the Fritt Ord Foundation, Robert Kelley will review what is known about Burma’s nuclear ambitions, using the source’s original material for illustration.

The new investigative documentary ‘Burma’s Nuclear Ambitions’, produced by the Democratic Voice of Burma, was broadcast on Al-Jazeera for the first time in June 2010. A week after the initial screening, the Burmese authorities reacted through their media by attacking individuals who have taken part in the film and the media organisation Democratic Voice of Burma. The Burmese authorities announced a reward of USD 5 000 for anyone who can name DVB journalists who work in Burma.

The Democratic Voice of Burma’s network of video journalists in Burma filmed most of the material in the film ’Burma VJ’, which received an Oscar nomination for the best documentary film in 2010. DVB’s video journalists also produced film material for ’Orphans of Burma’s Cyclone’, directed by Evan Williams. Two of DVB’s video journalists received Rory Peck Awards in 2009 for filming ’Orphans of Burma’s Cyclone’, and they risked 30 years’ imprisonment if they were caught. Evan Williams is also the director of ’Burma’s Nuclear Ambitions’.