When: Friday, 25. March 2011
To: Wednesday, 30. March 2011
Where: Kiev, Multiple venues
More info: www.docudays.org.ua/2010/en/

Screening close to 60 films, covering short films, art and human rights documentaries, Docudays has grown to become a leading festival on the European documentary festival circuit. Docudays also cooperates closely with other human rights oriented festivals, including the One World film festival in Prague, Watchdocs in Warsaw, and the Verzio festival in Budapest. Volodymyr Yavorsky, Executive Director of the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Association, was the Human Rights House Foundation’s guest and festival observer at the 3rd Human Rights Human Wrongs documentary film festival in Oslo in February this year.

The human rights documentary programme at Docudays 2011 consists of 14 full length films, all produced within the last couple of years. Ranging from a story of a very severe violation of environmental rights in the Ivory Coast, via critical aspects of the global business that trading in human organs has become, to miscarriage of justice and misuse of prisons to bring critics to silence in contemporary Russia, each film in the programme raises its own crucial human rights questions.