When: Wednesday, 1. April 2009 11:30
To: Wednesday, 1. April 2009
Where: Sarajevo, Bosnia, Hamdije Kresevljakovica 3
Host: Oval Hall of the Assembly of the City of Sarajevo
Contact: CURE Foundation (info@fondacijacure.org / + 387 33 270 610)
More info: www.zenskegrupebih.fondacijacure.org

On the short presentation of the initiative "Reviving the woman movement in B&H" that resulted with the Directory of Women’s Groups in B&H, Jadranka Milicevic and Taida Horozovic, activists from CURE Foundation and leaders of the initiative, will share the part of the research results on groups in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) that deal with women rights issues. 

The Directory is available in local and English language and it is conducted within longterm CURE Foundation initiative. This unusual and relevant publication contains main information on nighty nine (99) groups that participated in mini research regarding the needs of the groups that deal with women rights issues in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Plan is to continue the mapping of groups that work on promotion and protection of women rights in B&H, via creation of online platform, that will not only offer the list of women rights groups, but also news on their implemented activities.

The aim is to inform the public on the work and activities of women rights groups in B&H, establish a network of such groups in B&H and create platforms for stronger and more efficient movement for women rights in B&H. The initiative also envisions set of education programs during the year 2009.

The promotion of the Directory is the first out of five presentations that will take place in 5 cities of B&H: Mostar, Tuzla, Zenica, Banja Luka and Sarajevo.

Project is supported by Swedish Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation and Open Society Fund B&H.
