When: Tuesday, 6. December 2011 18:30-20:00
Where: London, Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus, Mechanical Engineering Building, Exhibition Road, SW7 2AZ
Host: Index on Censorship
More info: www.indexoncensorship.org/category/events/

’Data Debate: is transparency bad for science?’ is a panel debate to launch the new issue of Index on Censorship magazine, ‘Dark Matter: what’s science got to hide?’

Scientific data is more freely available than ever. But does the push for openness help or hinder science?

Speakers include Sir Mark Walport, Director of the Wellcome Trust, George Monbiot, Guardian columnist and Baroness Onora O’Neill. Jo Glanville, Editor of Index on Censorship, will chair.

Tickets: Free but limited – register here.