When: Monday, 16. November 2009
Where: Oslo, Litteraturhuset
Host: Norwegian PEN
Contact: (926 88 023)
More info: www.norskpen.no/php/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=454&Itemid=70

The prize is awarded “to a person or institution that over time, or in connection with a particular issue or event, has made a particular effort to defend freedom of expression.”

Program and description (in Norwegian)

18.00 – 18.45     Delivery of Ossietzky Prize 2009 to Muhammad
                            Introduction of the prize winner and award presentation 
                            v/ Elisabeth Eide 
                            Voice of the prize winner v/Alf van der Hagen 
                            Short speeches by Mohammed Omer

18.45 -19.00      Delivery of Norwegian PENs honorary award to              Kjell Olaf Jensen 
                            Presentation of the Norwegian PENs honorary award 
                            Anders Heger’s speech to the prize winner
                            read by Elizabeth Middelthon

19.00 – 19.15      Break

19.15 – 20.00      Selection of Prisoners Authors Day
                             Information regarding this year’s celebration by                             Trine Kleven, head of the Norwegian PENs Committee for imprisoned writers
                             Reading v / Oslo fribyforfatter Philo Ikonya


There are opportunities to buy drinks during the break.

Free admission – no registration

Additional information: Secretary General Carl Morten Iversen, 926 88 023