When: Saturday, 8. August 2009 06:30 – 10:00 pm
To: Saturday, 8. August 2009
Where: London, Free Word Centre, 60 Farringdon Road, London EC1R 3GA
Host: Article 19 and Index on Censorship
Contact: Julia (julia@indexoncensorship.org)
More info: www.indexoncensorship.org/2009/07/burma-between-the-lines/

The programme will be as follows:

 ‘Seven years with hard labour’ – first UK performance of documentary play by iceandfire theatre co, featuring the stories of Htein Lin, Ko Aung, Nita May and Khun Saing.

 A new performance by Htein Lin and friends

Poetry readings from:
Burma Anthology — A19 launches a new collection of poetry and writing , expressing the desire for change in their homeland.
The Wolf — poetry magazine launches a special Burma edition

A short portrait of Zarganar based on footage filmed in 2007 by Rex Bloomstein

 Burma: Darkness in the Golden Land – Dean Chapman
 Extraordinary Places, Ordinary Lives – Enigma Images
 Burma/UK– Martin Le Santo

Entry is free.