When: Thursday, 26. May 2011 09:00 – 11:00
To: Thursday, 26. May 2011
Where: Oslo, Human Rights House
Host: The Norwegian Council for Africa

The African Union emphasizes the importance of the protection of civilians and promotes the principle of non-indifference. However, t…he AU response to the conflict has been rejected as both toothless, hesitant and naïve and critics argue that the AU once again has demonstrated an inability to promote peace and security on the continent.

What have been some of the major challenges in obtaining support from the member states to allow for such an intervention in one of its own member states, and how can this explain the AU response to different conflicts on the continent?

This seminar seeks to explore the political dynamics at play, the challenges in obtaining a unified AU stance on Libya and the impacts of this upon the AU-UN relationship.

Building upon these reflections, how may the AU continue to work towards obtaining strong leadership and a collective stance on human rights and the principle of non-indifference?

These are some of the questions we will raise, and time will be set aside for questions and discussion with participants.

Cedric H. de Coning – Research Fellow, ACCORD and NUPI
Linnéa Bergholm – Researcher, The Nordic Africa Institute in Uppsala
John Karlsrud – Research Fellow, NUPI

Breakfast will be served from 08:30. If you want breakfast, please write a mail to flacke@afrika.no, no later than Tuesday May 24th.

The seminar will be held in English.