When: Monday, 23. May 2011 09:30 – 12:00
To: Monday, 23. May 2011
Where: Oslo, Litteraturhuset, The Literature House
Host: The Norwegian Helsinki Committee

The Parliament of Republika Srbska has announced a popular referendum over the the state court and the authority of the UN. Such a referendum can undermine the Dayton Agreement, in which the constitutional system of Bosnia and hercegovina is laid down. More than seven months after the previous elections, there is still no formation of a new government in sight. And in the federation, the two biggest Croatian dominated parties and the others are still at lockerheads with each other. The political crisis is obvious. But what are the consequences on the ground?

Introductions by:
Svein Mønnesland
, Professor at the University of Oslo: The political situation in Bosnia right now: What is this crisis about? Why is there a crisis?

Meddzida Kreso, President of the court of Bosnia and Hercegovina: The role and legitimacy of the courts in Bosnia, and the struggle for legal processes after severe crimes of war. Are there alternatives to the national court?

Vera Jovanovic, Director of the Helsinki Committee in Bosnia and Hercegovina. The consequences of the crisis for human rights and civil society. What can the organisations do, and what can be done to strengthen their role?

Vildana Selimbegovic, Editor of Oslobodjenje: On the role of the media. What can be done to strengthen independent journalism?

Enver Djuliman, the Norwegian Helsinki Committee: The consequences of the crisis for reconciliation.

Karin Woldseth
, (Fremskrittspartiet / The progress Party), member of the Standing Committee of the Norwegian Parliament for Defence and Foreign Affairs. Rapporteur on Bosnia in the Council of Europe’s Parliamentary Assembly.

Admission free, no signing up for participation. The seminar will be held in English, in the Amalie Skram auditorium. The address of the Literature House is Wergelandsveien 29.