When: Tuesday, 5. July 2011 09.00-13.00
Where: London, Free Word Centre, EC1R 3GA
Host: Index on Censorship
More info: www.indexoncensorship.org/2011/06/5-july-beyond-belief-police-policy-and-freedom-of-expression-in-the-arts/

Join Index on Censorship for a half day of high level debate on the challenges of policing artistic freedom of expression.

Kelly, artistic director of the South Bank Centre, will give a key note speech, followed by a landmark panel discussion ‘Policing challenging art’, chaired by Kenan Malik with:

Chief Superintendent Peter Terry of the Metropolitan Police
Munira Mirza, Director of Arts and Culture for the Mayor of London
Canon Giles Fraser of St Paul’s Cathedral
David Lan, Artistic Director of the Young Vic
Tamsin Allen of Bindmans LLP

The conference launches Index on Censorship’s case study on the production of Gurpreet Kaur Bhatti’s 2010 play ‘Behud (Beyond Belief)’ at the Belgrade Theatre, Coventry and Soho Theatre London.

“We are delighted that Gurpreet Kaur Bhatti will also be speaking at the event. Following the panel discussion, we will be hosting facilitated breakout sessions during which all delegates will be able to contribute to the discussion.”