When: Friday, 19. June 2009 20:00
To: Friday, 19. June 2009
Where: Zagreb, Amruseva 11
Host: Caffe bar Kolaz
Contact: Emina Buzinkic (+ 385 91 522 8750)
More info: www.cms.hr

Party is of humanitarian nature, collected money from the sale of CMS project materials "Asylum in Croatia" (publications, brochures, documentaries) will be donated as financial help for asylum seekers who live in Zagreb. They will also be present at the party, so visitors will have a chance to talk to them.

Party will consist of the photography exhibiton on topic "Asylum", and at 8 p.m. there will be a movie projection "Croatia – heaven/end on Earth", as well as broadcasting of the TV program "Dirket – Castle that’s not in Air nor on Earth", both in production of Fade Ina. These documentaries speak about refugee issues, asylum and irregular migrations that asylum team of CMS is dealing with in the last six years. The socializing will be continued with world/etno tanzelaria/audio room.

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