When: Thursday, 28. November 2013 (10:00 – 20:00) and (1:30-3:30)
To: Friday, 29. November 2013
Where: Vilnius, Novotel Hotel, Gedimino pr. 16, Vilnius, Lithuania

Belarus’ finest civic activists have prepared the By-ROOM – a creative civic space to coincide with the Vilnius Summit. The event, held November 28-29, will draw attention to civic activism and action with Belarus – the European Union’s closest geographical neighbour that remains a stubborn outlier in the framework of the Eastern Partnership.

By-ROOM aims to provide an open space for Belarusian civil society to present firsthand some of the many creative and courageous activities that are being run inside Belarus, and to offer an opportunity for attendees of the Vilnius Summit to meet some of Belarus’ leading national and regional civil society activists. The event will offer an open and attractive program that will provide snapshots of various forms of civic activism.

Within the context of the event will be a Belarus Press Photos exhibition; a civic fair; informal roundtable discussions and a multimedia space featuring Belarusian films and other in-country work. There will also be a press room for journalists to work from and space for informal meetings over Belarusian cuisine. Presentations and programs will focus on seven important sectors: culture, education, environment, grassroots activism, gender, human rights, and research. In addition, Bў-ROOM will host panel discussions on EU – Belarus relations, an official Vilnius Summit side event on human rights.

All those interested in Belarus, the European Union Eastern Partnership initiative, or civil society development more generally are welcome to experience Belarus’ most creative civic initiatives at the By-ROOM.