When: Monday, 22. November 2010
To: Tuesday, 30. November 2010
Where: Moscow
Host: Moscwo Helsinki Group and Youth Human Rights Movement
Contact: Zherdeva Anna (part@inthrschool.org)
More info: www.mhg.ru/news/FBFA3EB

Winter School for Human Rights will be held in the form of an interactive seminar by experts and consultants from Moscow Helsinki Group in cooperation with international experts from different countries. The following topics are among top priorities:
 history and philosophy of human rights protection;
 history of human rights movement in USSR, Russia and Europe;
 national and international mechanism of human rights protection;
 current challenges of international system of human rights protection
 management and strategies and new methods of human rights activists’ protection etc.

Young human rights defenders and human rights activists are invited to participate.
Applications should be submitted till 10th of December.