When: Thursday, 3. March 2011
To: Saturday, 5. March 2011
Where: London, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies
Contact: Belinda Crothers (Belinda.Crothers@sas.ac.uk)
More info: www.sas.ac.uk/events/view/8045

Papers presented at this conference will consider questions such as whether the history of such prosecutions indicate that they should simply expose/reveal or whether they should always punish; what is the role of mediation in the interests of revelations of ‘truth’, and what impact can strategies for reconciliation have. Developments in areas like forensic anthropology will also be considered, and the issues surrounding how witness testimony should be managed within the legal process. Consideration of the ethical or moral basis for war crimes prosecutions, and the problem of their chronological dimensions provide a focus for other discussions. Speakers and delegates will debate when, if ever, it ceases to be practical or useful, in terms of successful post-conflict reconstruction to pursue war crimes prosecutions? A particular focus will be on the International Criminal Court, where the Court’s actions indicate that it is taking on the role of the conscience of the world. Does the future of war crime prosecutions lie solely, or mainly, with the ICC? Is this acceptable, given the lack of universal global support for the ICC? As this is the second Biennial Conference, we will also be hearing reports from delegates at the first conference of developments with which they have been associated.

The conference programme and registration form will be available on the SOLON website at: www.perc.plymouth.ac.uk/solon and the IALS websites at:  www.sas.ac.uk/events/view/8045.  

For further details, please contact Belinda.Crothers@sas.ac.uk the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, or the conference organisers, Dr Lorie Charlesworth, l.r.charlesworth@ljmu.ac.uk, Dr Michael Kandiah, michael.kandiah@kcl.ac.uk, or Dr Judith Rowbotham, judith.rowbotham@ntu.ac.uk

Original Call for Papers:  Please click here for the Call for Papers for the 2nd Biennial War Crimes Conference.

Venue : IALS

Institute of Advanced Legal Studies
Charles Clore House
17 Russell Square