Instead of 8 March speeches and carnations, due to the fact that violence against women is our bitter and almost normal everyday practice, the Centre “Woman and Society” urges, in their letter yesterday, the institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the public to proclaim: Zero tolerance of violence against women in Bosnia and Herzegovina! (08-MAR-07)

This article is based on the Centre “Woman and Society” press release, which has republicated here by HRH / Mirsad Pandzic.

Instead of celebration: 8 march open letter to competent state bodies and public of Bosnia and Herzegovina

• Despite the existing legislation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, there has been no adequate and coordinated response of the society in Bosnia and Herzegovina against the dramatic prevalence of violence against women. Impermissible tolerance of violence against women is present both in relevant institutions and the public opinion, which is demonstrated by the latest cases of beating up or killing of own daughters, wives, or even girlfriends that have nothing to do with abusers. Their relatives frequently become victims of this violence as well. 

 • After the violence becomes unbearable, when a woman finally decides to seek help, she often wanders from medical doctors, to police, social welfare centres, prosecutors’ offices, courts, waiting for a long time and with uncertain results of “breaking of the vicious violence circle”, while the institutions that should protect her are often insensitive themselves, and sometimes even violent themselves and hostile towards a woman who has been exposed to violence.

• When violence is reported, a clear position from relevant institutions is often lacking about facts on who is threatening whom, how dangerous is the situation, and who needs protection, which has lately caused serious battering, wounding, murders of persons who had requested helped and indicated that they could be victims of violence!

• Despite the legislation, which foresees removal of abusers from home (Article 11 of the Law on Protection from Domestic Violence), a woman is still forced to either live under the same roof with the abuser, who threatens her life and the life of children, or to be thrown  out on the street together with children. According to research of the Centre “Woman and Society”, not a single case of removal of dangerous abuser from home has been registered yet!

• Institutions and public are subjects to a generally extended attitude of tolerance of violence against women and seeking of excuses for abusers, which can be seen from a very mild criminal policy for acts of violence against women and from reporting on violence against women, which frequently notes “family issues or tragedies” instead of male violence against women.

Due to all of the above, instead of 8 March speeches and carnations, due to the fact that violence against women is our bitter and almost normal everyday practice, the Centre “Woman and Society” urges the institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the public to proclaim: Zero tolerance of violence against women in Bosnia and Herzegovina!