Written by HRH/Shahla Ismailova on the basis of Women’s Forum materials; photos by Women’s Association for Rational Development
“To solve women’s problems the women’s rights organizations should be stronger and more united in Azerbaijan” was the initial conclusion of the Women’s Forum “Problems and Perspectives” organized in June by Women’s Association for Rational Development. The women’s rights situation and the problems were discussed with the participation of 40 women’s organizations, funding institutions and international organizations and set the foundation of the new Women’s Network. (03-JUL-2006)
Global Fund for WomenThe Forum was organized with support and participation of the Global Fund for Women, an international network of women and men committed to a world of equality and social justice, advocates for and defends women’s human rights by making grants to support women’s groups around the world. The Global Fund makes grants to seed, strengthen and link women’s rights groups based outside the United States working to address human rights issues. Since 1987, the Global Fund for Women has granted over $47 million to 3,000 women’s groups in 162 countries, enabling each organization to apply the funds to best address the specific needs of women in their communities. Last year, the Global Fund made over $7.3 million in grants.
ParticipantsThe Forum gained big attention not only among the women’s rights organization, but also international organizations, diplomatic corps and donor institutions, functioning in Azerbaijan. It was attended by representatives of British Embassy, US Embassy, Norwegian Embassy, Open Society Institute, International Rescue Committee, Norwegian Refugees’ Council, ABA CEELI, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and others. In addition the representatives of the State Committee on problems of Family, Women and Children took part in the Forum.
Forum opportunities
The Forum had two stages of discussion women’s rights situation in Azerbaijan and evaluating the activity of the women’s organizations. The numerous problems and the potential of their solution were discussed during the full day Forum. The participation of donor and international agencies in the work of the Forum gave them the opportunity to learn directly about the situation and needs of women’s NGOs in the region.
At the end of the Forum there was made a strategic conclusion – to set the Women’s Network which would serve for women’s solidarity and stronger partnership between the women’s groups and with other actors in the country.
First meeting of the working group In order to make the results of the Forum sustainable and effective there was created the Working Group of 8 leaders of women’s organizations, which made their first meeting on the 1-st of July planning the structure, activities and missions of the Women’s Network. According to Shahla Ismailova (on the right), the coordinator of the Group, who is at the same time the advisor of Global Fund for Women, the official launch of the network will be in the fall. “In such hard time we do not have a right to failure, therefore every step should be carefully thought and balanced. The Network will not be the excluded Club only for the Forum participants, but will hopefully attract more women’s leaders to our team”, said the coordinator.
The report on the results of the Forum is expected to be released in 3 languages (Azerbaijani, English and Russian) in September 2006. Moreover, Women’s Association for Rational Development is in charge of the report on Regional Forum of Grantees of Global Fund for Women, which took part in mid June in Tbilisi with participation of women’s organizations from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. The regional report will also be released in 3 languages by the end of 2006.