A woman released from the school in North Ossetia where militants are holding hundreds of children hostage for a third day said there could be over 1000 hostages, instead of the officially announced 320. This came as federal authorities resumed talks with the rebels Friday morning. (03-SEP-04)

Two women who were released among 26 hostages Wednesday said the number of people being held in the school is far greater than the figure given officially, and is probably closer to 1500. Officially, 890 students are registered at the school, and together with parents, the number may well make over 1000. There are also 59 teachers, reports:   www.Gazeta.ru. The former hostage also said that as many as 20 people had already been killed inside, and two women strapped with explosives had already detonated themselves. Several injured hostages were taken out of the sports hall into a corridor and “finished off”. According to witnesses, there were about 40 militants inside. None of the terrorists removed their masks. Nobody can see their faces. They aren’t tired. They are resting in turns. They call themselves Chechens, and demand that the Russian Federation withdraws its forces from the Chechen Republic. Officially, 12 people have been killed so far in the stand-off.

Having resumed talks at about 7:30 Friday morning, authorities are trying to pass necessities to the hostages. So far, the militants have continued to refuse to give food and water to the children.