The day started with the press conference. The organizers – members of the HRHT – Human Rights Centre (HRIDC), Article 42 of the constitution, Georgian Centre for psycho-social and medical rehabilitation support of Torture victims (GCRT), Union Safari, Human Rights and Conflict Studies- Caucasia, Media Institute have reminded to the government of Georgia to prevent torture and inhuman treatment and to investigate every such fact.

In the afternoon GCRT presented a book – Hope Abandoned – personal testimonies from Georgian prisons. In the late evening, HRHT members have released sky lanterns in front of the Prison N 8 in sign of support of those victims of torture who still remain imprisoned.

Fighting Impunity is the theme for the 26 June 2014 global campaign. HRHT is especially concerned with the fact state fail to fully investigate torture. Also, perpetrators are not punished or are judged with inadequately law sentences. Although, torture in Georgia has been eradicated as a systemic problem, however some facts of torture and inhuman treatment still happen in prisons. Thus, fighting against torture and inhuman treatment still remains actual.

Human Rights House Tbilisi calls for the Georgian government:
• To carry out effective investigation of every facts of torture and inhuman treatment;
• To take all relevant measures  envisaged by the law to punish perpetrators – directly involved in torture as well as those who ordered;
• to fulfill international obligations and timely allocate finances for psychological and medical rehabilitation of the victims of torture that is envisaged by the According to the Article 14 of the UN Convention Against Torture (CAT).

On 12 December 1997, by resolution 52/149, the UN General Assembly proclaimed 26 June the United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, with a view to the total eradication of torture and the effective functioning of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. Since then, the day is celebrated in more than 200 countries with different actions and events. Fighting Impunity is the theme for the 26 June 2014 campaign. Impunity is the failure of the state to fully investigate violations; to bring to justice and punish perpetrators; to provide victims with effective remedies; and to take all necessary steps to prevent a recurrence of the violation.