At the beginning of the event the ​​director of the Belarusian HRH Anna Gerasimova addressed the audience and stressed the importance of cooperation of Belarusian human rights defenders with the Ukrainian colleagues and the Human Rights House, that was opened on 26 March 26 in Chernihiv.Through this collaboration, the residents and guests of Vilnius had the opportunity not only to see the photos of Kiev events, but also to meet the press photographer Marianna Hardy.

Several dozen pictures reflect events in Ukraine, taking place from November 2013 until February 2014. Starting from a massive peaceful protest against president’s decision not to sign the Asocciation Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union has grown into a bloody confrontation between protesters and law-enforcement in the center of Kiev and other Ukrainian cities.”The pictures show how the people gradually united and rebelled: first, the protest was peaceful, then “Berkut” brutally dispersed the protesters and then the protesters were united once again, but this time not only because they wanted to join the EU, but also they were outraged by the beating of people and wanted to change the power.On these pictures I show this story, both sides of it: beaten protesters and burning officers of “Berkut”. I’m for objectivity and believe that a photojournalist should show only the truth, regardless of his or her political beliefs, emotions and sympathies, “- said Marianna Hardy.

While taking photos of the protests in the city center in January and February 2014 photographer was injured and has been awarded for work in hot spots of Euramaidan. Marianna Hardy admitted that despite a lot of experience during the rallies and protests, she had to go through a lot for the first time while taking pictures in Kiev: “Someone threw grenade at me, I was first hit by a bullet, even though, it was a rubber one. I was beaten by “Berkut” for four times, and my equipment was destroyed. A military journalist at least has body armor and special training, while we did not know what to expect under those circumstances.”

Photos of Kiev events from Marianna Hardy have already been demonstrated in Bulgaria, Poland and Ukraine.Photographer stressed out, that she is ready to continue to organize such exhibitions in order to give people chance to see the footage of this confrontation: “This is my country. This is her story. I’ll go to the ends of the world to bring the truth.”

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