In his complaint, filed in the UNHRC as №3002/2017, activist describes how he and other protesters (about three thousand people) took part in an unauthorized street march and rally, which took place on the Vosstaniya Square and Sovetskaya Street in Homel.”During the peaceful assembly the participants protested against the presidential decree №3 “On prevention of social dependency”, and then there was no accidents”, he said.

“No one has any doubt that the protest was peaceful. However, I, as well as other active participants, was summoned to the police station, where I was charged with violation of the established mass events procedure. I spent 12 days under administrative arrest in the detention center, from 17 until 27 March. In accordance with procedures, we requested permission for the rally from the local authorities 15 days in advance, but we received denial,”- said Vladimir Katsora, sharing excerpts from his complaint.

Human rights defender Leanid Sudalenka, who helps to protect the rights of citizens at the international level, said that during the spring protests Homel activists have stayed in the detention center for more than 60 days in sum, forced to pay large administrative fines. Almost all of them took advantage of the right of individual petition to the UNHRC.

We recall, that on 17 March Aksana Osipava, the judge of the Tsentralny district Court of Homel, sentenced Vladimir Katsora for 12 days of arrest.According to the judge, a rally and a street march that took place on February 19 in Homel, were illegal.Regional judge Aleh Kharoshka came to similar conclusions on the consideration of the appeal, and actually left unexamined the claims of the detained person regarding abuse of his rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly. 

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