The East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Network is deeply concerned about the news trickling in that Somaliland authorities have ordered journalists seeking refuge in the country to leave immediately. The 24 journalists had fled the violence in Mogadishu and are seeking refuge in Somaliland. (05-DEC-07)
Based on EHAHRD-Net´s appeal, issued today, this article has been edited for republication here by HRH F / Niels Jacob Harbitz. Photo of Sheikh: HRH F / Harbitz.With utter dismay, EHAHRD-Net Chairperson Hassan Shire Sheikh, left, together with representatives from the Somaliland Journalists´ Association (SOLJA) were on hand as the Somaliland Police Commander General Mohamed Saqadhi Dubad issued the order of deportation today, demanding that the journalists leave Somaliland within 24 hours. The Chairperson is part of Amnesty International´s Mission to Somaliland. At least 50 journalists are known to have fled the violence in Somalia only in the last couple of months. The Commander did not give details as to why he made the order, but only said that the journalists had become a security threat to Somaliland.
-We all know that these journalists fled Mogadishu due to immediate danger to their lives. It is therefore unjustified for the Somaliland authorities, aware of the danger back home, to deport these journalists. Besides, Somaliland must adhere to international refugee laws that discourage governments deporting refugees back to their home countries when the violations that caused their fleeing in the first place are still existing, says Hassan Shire Sheikh, Chairperson EHAHRDP/Net.
EHAHRD-Net calls upon the Somaliland authorities to respect international human rights principles and immediately withdraw the order or immediately hand over the journalists to the UNHCR office in order to facilitate a third country resettlement where their lives will not be in danger;
EHAHRD-Net further urges all Network members to make an urgent appeal to the Somaliland authorities to desist from deporting these journalists.
Please send appeals to;
His Exellency President Dahir Riyaale Kahin
Fax: +252 213 8324; +252 252 3848
Salutation: Dear President
Minister of Interior
Mr. Abdillahi Ismail Shabeel
c/o Ministry of Foreign Affairs or The Presidency
Fax: +252 828 3271; +252 225 3871
Salutation: Dear Minister
Minister of Justice
Mr. Ahmed Hasa Ali
c/o Ministry of Foreign Affairs or The Presidency
Fax: +252 828 3271; +252 225 387
Salutation: Dear Minister
Commander of the Somaliland Police
Mr. Mohamed Shaqadi Dubad
c/o Ministry of Foreign Affairs or The Presidency
Fax: +252 828 3271; +252 225 3871
Salutation: Dear Commander
Copies can be sent to the Somaliland missions (not recognised) with the request to be forwarded to the Somaliland authorities:
United Kingdom
Mr. Osman Ahmed Hassan
Representative of the Somaliland Government
Somaliland Mission
102 Cavell Street, London E1 2JA, United Kingdom
Fax: +44 207 247 5336
United States of America
Mr. Saad Sheikh Omar Nur
Representative of the Somaliland Government
Washington DC, USA
Fax: +1 301 231 5990
For further information, please contact EHAHRD-Net Chairperson directly on his Mobile number in Somaliland [until tomorrow]: +252-24121231
For further information, please contact:
Regional Coordination Office
Human Rights House, Plot 1853, Lulume Rd., Nsambya
P.O. Box 70356 Kampala, Uganda
Phone: +256-414-510263(general)/ext.112
Fax: +256-414-267117