Amnesty International, one of the biggest human rights protection organization has appealed to the Chancellor of Germany, Gerhard Shreder, before his official visit to the Russian Federation to put a pressure on the President Vladimir Putin. (29-AUG-04)

In opinion of Amnesty International, certainly, it is  necessary to induce russian President,  Vladimir Putin, to improve a situation in the sphere of  human rights protection .

The German section of  Amnesty International emphasizes, that rather problem situation has developed in the Russian Federation with access to justice. In particular, it is impossible to speak that judges in the Russian Federation use full independence, rights of Russians to appeal in court are limited. Those who has appealed to the European Court of Human Rights  with complaints connected with the conflict in the Chechen Republic are exposed to prosecution.

Human rights defenders from Amnesty International  express serious concern about such situation in the Russian Federation when people who regularly admit infringements of human rights in the Chechen Republic practically are not responsible.

To learn more read the “Letter to Chancellor Gerhard Schreder and President Jacques Chirac” on Human Rights Watch web site.