In accordance with the data from the report more then 4000 complaints were received by the staff of the Foundation.

Marchenko stressed her consent with the Chief Military Procurator Mr. Fridinsky, who claimed in an interview to ‘Rossijskaya Gazeta’ newspaper that a number of violations committed for selfish motives is been increasing. She also hares his concern with the growth of ‘hazing in the military’ in 2010.

Such reasons of soldiers’ death as accidents (33%), suicides (28%) and diseases (21%) were listed as dominant in the Russian army in 2010.

The Foundation presented its new media and social projects which elicited a number of responses from the society.

Veronica Marchenko turned attention of the audience to a draft law, increasing a term of spring call-up on a month and a half.

‘In fact, this initiative deprives 18-year old male youngsters to go to college immediately after finishing school’, she said, ‘it is absolutely impossible.’

She encouraged journalists to initiate a public discussion on the issue and to prevent State Duma from adoption of the law.

As a conclusion Marchenko announced annual commemorative events of the Foundation, which they organize annually on February 23, stressing the fact that this date is not a holiday for them but a subject for grief and commemoration meetings. Traditionally, the staff of the ‘Mother’s Right’’ Foundation along with the parents of soldiers, who died in the army, will gather in the church to pray for those who will never come back.