In the Russian Federation, violations against consctrips´ rights increased in 2004, despite measures undertaken by the Ministry of Defence. This is the conclusion from a report from Russian human rights organizations, including the NGO Coalition “For a democratic alternative civil service” and the Union of Soldiers Mothers Committees of the Russian Federation. (16-APR-05)
Military committees ignored the rights of deferral and in particular the rights to health deferral. Military committees also disturbed the terms of the draft and misinformed the people. Concerning service in the army, the officers blackmailed money from the conscripts and beat them. In consequence of these violations young men do everything possible to escape the army.
In the beginning of April the Ministry of Defence declared that the military would start a new draft. The Minister of Defence, Mr. Ivanov, intends to call nearly one hundred and fifty five thousand conscripts. This amounts to 9% of the eligible age of the Russian Federation. The Minister assured that students wouldn’t be drafted. But he wants to abolish a lot of military departments in institutes which don’t give good military training, thus keeping money which is, in his opinion, spent in vain. Mr. Ivanov said that in spite of having, in some part, an existing contract service, many parts of the army need conscripts. The Minister has promised to reduce the term of service, in the army, to 1 year starting in 2008 and now Mr. Ivanov also plans to refuse some deferrals from the army.
Russian human rights organizations express their concern about the large quantity of draftees, and are awaiting violations against the conscripts. The human rights organizations, judging by past years, are sure that the recruiting centers will do everything in their power to draft people to the army. On the 2nd of April human rights organizations, in Moscow, put together a meeting to oppose the abolition of certain types of army deferrals. The meeting brought together more people than expected and most of them were young. Valentina Melnikova (picture), the head of Union of Soldiers’ Mothers Committtes, said such meetings would be held more frequently. Universal military conscription has become outdated.