The Presidency Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Palestine Avenue, Azerbaijan Intersection
Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Fax: + 98 21 6 649 5880
Oslo, 4.12.2009
Members of the Norwegian Human Rights House urge the Iranian authorities to respect the dignity and work of the human rights lawyer and Nobel Peace Prize winner 2003, Shirin Ebadi. We ask the authorities to return the confiscated award and put an end to all kind of repression against the highly respected human rights defender and her relatives.
The Nobel Peace Prize Award was confiscated by Iranian authorities in November 2009, which Shirin Ebadi received in 26003, for her significant and pioneering efforts for democracy and human rights, especially women’s, children’s, and refugee rights. This is just the latest examples of attempts to silence the awarded human rights lawyer.
On December 29, 2008, five finance inspectors raided Ms. Shirin Ebadi’s law firm in Teheran. This search and seizure follows the unlawful search and closure by the police on December 21, 2008 of the headquarters of the Defenders of Human Rights Centre (DHRC) in Teheran, FIDH member organisation in Iran which provides free legal advice and support to human rights defenders. Ms. Shirin Ebadi is one of the Centre’s founding members. Shirin Ebadi has received written death threats for years. The last year, her husband has been faced with harrassment.
Members of the Norwegian Human Rights House, which have had the honor to invite Shirin Ebadi to the Norwegian Human Rights House three times, call upon the Iranian authorities to immediately put an end to all kind of repression against human rights defenders and their relatives, and conform with the provisions of the UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders, adopted by UN on December 9, 1998, Article 1, which states that “everyone has the right, individually and in association with others, to promote and to strive for the protection and realisation of human rights and fundamental freedoms at the national and international levels”, and and Article 12.2, which provides that “the State shall take all necessary measures to ensure the protection by the competent authorities of everyone, individually and in association with others, against any violence, threats, retaliation, de facto or de jure adverse discrimination, pressure or any other arbitrary action as a consequence of his or her legitimate exercise of the rights referred to in the present Declaration”.
We call upon the Irianian authorities to guarantee in all circumstances the physical and psychological integrity of Shirin Ebadi and her relatives.
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