Several months before Olympic Games government of Azerbaijan started criminal prosecution against civil activists. About 80 activists were arrested during past one year – including human rights defenders and journalists. According to international human rights organizations, about 80 persons were judged in Azerbaijan based on political grounds. Despite absurd accusations by the Prosecutor’s Office, inadequately high sentences were imposed on the arrested activists. Many human rights defenders had to leave the country and seek political shelter in different states of EU.

On June 12, Human Rights House Tbilisi, together with other supporters, decided to hold peaceful, silent demonstration in Heydar Aliyev Square. They intended to organize the demonstration when European Games were opened in Baku. Having arrived at the Heydar Aliyev Square the demonstrators found the square surrounded by patrol police officers. Attempt of Georgian and Azerbaijan human rights defenders to enter the square was unsuccessful.

International organizations also joined the Human Rights House Tbilisi member organizations. Levan Asatiani, representative of the Amnesty International in the Caucasus: “Human Rights House Tbilisi intended to protest violation of human rights in Azerbaijan together with its supporters. Today, European Olympic Games are opened in Baku when human rights are breached in the country and many people got victims of repressions. In fact, everybody, who criticized the government, are now in prison for faked charges. Their “crime” is that they criticized the government. Georgian activists wished to peacefully protest in Aliyev square but Georgian police did not allow them for what their constitutional rights to peaceful gathering and manifestation was breached.”

Although several police officers were aggressive, the attempt of holding the demonstration finished without incidents. However, patrol police narrowed the perimeter where protest organizers and participants were standing; finally they had to move to the opposite side of the square on the narrow pavement.

Nino Gvedahsvili, coordinator of Human Rights House Tbilisi: “Today, Olympic Games are opening in Baku when human rights are breached and several dozen human rights defenders are arrested in Azerbaijan. We want to remind the international society what is happening behind this “glamour.”
When organizers asked the reason why police forbade them to protest in the square, the police officers could not answer. Some of them said another event was planned in the square; others said the organizers did not have sanctions to hold demonstration.

Despite the obstacles, the protest demonstration was held nearby the square. In parallel to that, first European Games were opened in Baku with pompous ceremonies.

Baku hosts first Olympic Games in its country from June 12 to June 28. 6200 sportsmen of 50 European States participate in sport activities. License on 2016 Summer Olympic Games is drawing on eleven out of twenty sport kinds. Total budget of the European Olympic Games is 1.2 billion USD.

Giorgi Janelidze