“Following a several years’ long decline in the security situation in Sarajevo, where you have old women being burned down in the streets by underage delinquents, women being strangled by robbers, children murdered while travelling on public transport, PM Brankovic finally described the situation in Sarajevo as insecure just a few days ago,  when somebody wrote on the walls of his building: “Give back this appartment, thief!”.  This only adds to the reasons why we want Brankovic down”, says Darko Brkan, representative of Movement DOSTA!

A better tomorrow
A public statement issued by DOSTA!’ says that citizens of B&H are fed up with the lies, frauds and criminal activities made by Brankovic and his government. While criminal cases are being lined up for Brankovic and his government, citizens directly feel the consequences of his robbing.  DOSTA! further states that it is shameful that Brankovic is still a free man and that this is particularly disrespectful to the disabled, pensioners, war veterans, workers, students and also other citizens of B&H. The statement concludes that Brankovic has to resign, so that politicians would finally feel responsible to citizens and so that citizens could at last have the chance to build a better tomorrow.  

Shoe of warning
“We will continue to demand his resignation until he actually steps down”, adds Brkan. In the beginning of January, a similar request for Brankovic’s and his government’s resignation took place in the streets of Sarajevo. Together with the members of a Facebook group named “Cipelom protiv tiranije – BH izdanje” (“With shoe against tyranny – BH release), DOSTA! organized an action called “With shoe into New Year” where citizens were invited to wish Happy New Year to representatives of authorities by sending the ‘shoe of warning’ against their printed pictures.

The action was supported by: Youth movement Revolt, Democratic Youth Movement Pokret, Association Action of Citizens, Strike Council of workers of Feroelektro, OKC Abrašević, Association of agriculturas, Association of invalid and handicap persons, Association of pensioners of B&H and Facebook group “Revolution in B&H”.

More info:

DOSTA! – official website, in Bosnian