State Duma once again postponed hearing on capital punishment

In August 1999 Boris Yeltsin submitted the so-called Protocol #6 of the European Convention on protection of human rights and liberties for ratification by The State Duma. On ratification the Russian Federation will totally abolish capital punishment. However, on 1 March the Parliament once again postponed the hearing on ratification of the “sixth protocol.” (09-APR-2002) 

At present death penalty can be used in 5 articles of Criminal Code after all regions implement trial by jury. The commitment was taken by the former president when the Russian Federation joined The European Council in 1996. For two and a half years Duma never got round considering it. This inaction is convenient for the Government since it allows to appear civilized in the eyes of the West and at the same time not to go against public opinion in their own country. 

On 1 March Parliament once again postponed the hearing on ratification of the “sixth protocol” (which once and for all prohibits capital punishment), for an indefinite period. The decision was influenced by an address by 266 deputies to President Putin to abolish moratorium on capital punishment. Since the moratorium was enforced, no-one was sentenced to capital punishment and no-one is awaiting death penalty.

Source: (Russian website)