In early 2009, Documenta began the implementation of the project “Human losses in Croatia: 1991 – 1995’’. The basic motive of the project implementation is the fact that neither fifteen years after the end of the war and the establishment of peace, there is no credible and verifiable number of war victims, especially those killed and missing, throughout the Republic of Croatia.

“The necessity of realization of this project stems from the need to prevent political and ideological manipulation of casualties during the war in Croatia. This state does not contribute sufficiently to mitigation of the consequences of war, that are prerequisite for the development of multiethnic and multicultural environment”, they state from Documenta.

Fact-finding about the war events and their consequences is extremely important not only for citizens of the Republic of Croatia, the scientific public and state institutions, but also for the wider international community. Realization of this project would make impossible any future arbitrary, inaccurate and malicious manipulation of the number of victims of war. 

Ensuring reliable data would also help institutions and organizations that are involved in the processes of punishment (the domestic courts, ICTY), and building of the long-term peace and reconciliation. In this way, it would contribute to the individualization of responsibility for crimes, which ultimately leads to the change attitudes about collective responsibility of entire peoples.

The obligation of any society is to make itself aware that the suffering of war victims are not just numbers, but people with the name and surname. Documenta wished to give the piety to the victims of the war, so to allow their names and circumstances be known, no matter which ethnic or religious group they belonging, and which political or ideological idea they defend.

The main objectives of the project are:

• Determine the number of victims in war happenings that lasted from 1991 – 1995 and the fact of their suffering;
• Provide publicly available and searchable database with relevant data.

As this is very serious, heavy and comprehensive research, for the implementation of the project Documenta uses the data sources from many cities’ and municipals’ registries and archives, hospitals, competent ministries, the Commission for Missing and other professional institutions, health institutions, nongovernmental organizations, funeral companies , library and archives, the religious communities of all denominations in Croatia, and veterans associations, victims’ families, media, scientific and professional institutions and the like. 

“Given the long period of time that has passed since the end of the war and the fact that many family members of killed and missing no longer live in Croatia, many details is difficult or impossible to reach. That is why the support made by the individuals is also important to our research team”, it is stated in Documenta’s call.

Those who have any information about the war happenings in the Republic of Croatia in the period from 1991 – 1995, can found an online ‘’victim card’’ on the website of Documenta:
