The recommendations highlight the worsening human rights situation in the Russian Federation, where the situation in the North Caucasus is particularly alarming. Killings, attacks and torture peaked in 2009, when several human rights defenders, including prominent Nathalia Estemirova (photo on the right), were killed. The recommendations point out the limitations in freedom of expression for human rights defenders in the People´s Republic of China, violence in Sudan and systematic human rights violations in Turkmenistan.
NGO Forum for human rights also underlines the need to promote that inter-governmental institutions, such as the World Bank Group, operate in a manner consistent with international human rights law; the establishment of access to individual communications procedure for violations of the Convention of the rights of the child, and the right to water.
The Norwegian NGO forum for human rights also expresses concern with the practice of illegal and secret detentions in the name of security and the precarious situation for religious minorities.
The Norwegian Helsinki Committee is the secretariat of the Norwegian NGO forum for human rights.
You can find the recommendations here.
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