There is no special application form, for that reason all project proposals should include information about the purpose and objectives, time frames, list of all activities and participants, detailed budget and information about additional donors, a baseline describing the rationale for the project and potential risk factors, and indicators. All applications must be submitted in English.

The budget for the project proposal should be from 5,000 – 15,000 USD.

Priority – democracy and human rights
For applications in Kazakhstan The Norwegian Helsinki Committee (NHC) encourages projects targeting the compliance with the commitments the government has made under the 2010 The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) chairmanship.

For applications in Kyrgyzstan NHC particularly encourages projects targeting challenges in democracy and human rights during and after the April events, but other proposals are also welcome.

Applicants can submit their project proposals starting from April 12, 2010 – May 12, 2010. The NHC will review the projects in May/June 2010.

All project proposals should be submitted electronically to the following e-mails: or

Clarifications on small grants program can be sent to Elena Mamadnazarova at or to Lene Wetteland at or by mobile phone in Oslo +4797697553.

The Norwegian Helsinki Committee was founded in 1977. The Committee’s work is based on the principles of the Helsinki Declaration of 1975 and other international human rights documents. The NHC views the international human rights documents legally, morally, and politically binding for all states. 

Activities of NHC are aimed to support democratic development and human rights, both in Norway and abroad. The Committee has a small grants fund to support projects in the field of human rights protection for the Central Asian region.