Human Rights House of Sarajevo also joins the sever condemnations of the attack of Kucevic’s associate Enver Spahic on Vildana Duran, journalist from Federal television who was the only one to run and help the victim when the attack happened and expressed, in such a way, her civic courage.
NGOs in B&H severly condemn the behaviour of the police as well, who peacefully observed the whole attack and in that way, has sent a message to the citizens of B&H that in this country everything is allowed to criminals. Do we live in the state where violence is being awarded, and perpetrators are reckoned heroes ? Do citizens have to take the role of defending their lives and the lives of their children, in their hands ?
Violence in B&H, especially against women and children and murders on the streets of B&H cities, have gone way over the tolerance threshold.
NGO sector in B&H thus, demands from the authorities and the police to secure the life of their citizens in peace and non-violence and to finally start applying the laws and international documents that B&H has obliged itself to respect.
NGOs in B&H also demand from the legal bodies to make the most severe punishments for the criminals and criminal groups and to send the clear message of zero tolerance toward violence, women trafficking and forced prostitution.
Signing the letter of the support is still open for NGOs in B&H. Please contact Tatjana Ljubic from ACIPS, for that purpose:
Current NGO signers are:
ACIPS ; Association “Vaša prava B&H” ; Association of citizens Pravo ljudski ; Association of women who suffer from the cancer ASKA, Visegrad ; Association of women SNOP, Rogatica ; Associatiom of women Gorazdanke, Gorazde ; Center «Woman and Society», Sarajevo ; CURE Foundation, Sarajevo ; Global Rights / Prava za sve, Sarajevo ; Human Rights House Sarajevo ; Network PETRA, Republic of Croatia (the network of organizations that work on prevention and elimination of women and children trafficking) and United women of Banja Luka.
More info:
Video of the attack – Federal television excerpt ;
Women revolution – article by Melina Kameric, Radio Sarajevo (in Bosnian).