After year 2006, when Blazo Stevovic has publicly declared after his research that the head of current Working Unit of Telekom of Republika Srpska in Trebinje, Milenko Krunic and Pero Radanovic, were financing Radovan Karadzic and heavy crimes in this organization, he was placed in front of Basic Court in Trebinje, since both alleged criminals sued him for slander.

Consequently, together with the leader of ‘’Movement for Trebinje”, Nikola Sekulovic, the Church Court led by Bishop Grigorije, has temporarily excluded him in April this year, from Serbian Orthodox Church. Stevovic and Sekulovic are the first two who have faced with the Church Court in Trebinje.

For BH web portal,, Stevovic speaks about current situation in Trebinje, threats that he has been receiving and crimes in Eastern Herzegovina that he’s been proving. Stevovic announces that after he gets the trial that is going against him in front of the Basic Court, he will sue the management of Trebinje and Republika Srpska entity, in front of the Court of B&H.

As for his situation in Trebinje, Stevovic says: “I’m glad I am recognized for what I do in Trebinje. I speak about war crimes, Dubrovnik happenings, returnees… and for 20% of Trebinje citizens, I am betrayer, for 60% of them I am someone who should fight for them, and for 20% of them, someone who they approach to with fear! In any case, it is hard to be Blazo Stevovic in Trebinje”.

However, his temporary exclusion from Serbian Orthodox Church, does not affect his faith, and Stevovic continues practicing its religion. He visited Churches in the Russian Federation and Romania, and on their persuasion, he remained faithful to Serbian Orthodox Church in Trebinje ”despite of its questionable management”. He does, however, speak about ‘’clearing the bills’’ with Bishop Grigorije who is persistently verbally and publicly attacking him.

Also, despite of the constant threats and ongoing trial against him, Blazo Stevovic together with his team from ‘’Alternative Club’’ still plans to make a memorial in every city of Eastern Herzegovina, honoring in such a way respect to all victims of ‘’Great Serbia’’ hegemony.

“To continue fighting for each and every victim, and to continue fighting for just, unified and wholesome B&H, is my Godly mission.”, declares Stevovic.

Related article:

Bishop Grigorije brings back the holy inquisition