The objective of this seminar was to familiarize the attending organizations with the mechanisms of organizing fundraising events in order to achieve the causes related to their area of work.  Collection of financial means is one of the ways to mobilize funds from individuals, community, local government, or government in general, to be used in philanthropic causes that will serve for community’s common good.

‘’As most common mistake it is noted that most organizations that are applying for funds, do not go through the mission and the vision of the donor organization. And in order to mobilize the financial means from the donors , it is very important for the applying organization to  share the same goals and opinions with the donor they’re  asking those means from’’, said Ms. Nada Kachakova, project assistant in MWRC organization.

As a joint result of the seminar, and on initiative of the Montenegrin organization Bona Fide,  it was proposed to organize a fundraising event with a concrete objective – helping their project beneficiaries who belong to severely vulnerable groups.

‘’As participants of this seminar, we organized together with the trainers of the seminar, fundraising activity ”For Bilja”, where we collected  430 Euros in cash, which were given to the organization Bona fide, in order to give that amount to the woman, Bilja, to whom they were aiming to help firstly. This seminar was of big importance to our organization which is already making plans on organizing a local fundraising event’’, said Ms. Kachakova.