Members of the Human Rights House Network condemn the ongoing smear campaign against the Women Resource Center Armenia – and request the authorities in Armenia to publicly support and protect the women human rights defenders working for women’s rights in Armenia. 

As a reaction to the new gender law, extremist groups started disseminating misleading information, associating “gender equality” with homosexuality propaganda and pedophilia and are now inciting to violent attacks against human rights non-governmental organizations working against gender based violence, gender inequality, and gender discrimination. Representatives of extremists groups are actively using media lspread misinformation.

Women’s rights defenders in Armenia are in this smear campaign called “traitors of the nation”, “destroyers of families” and a “threat to Armenian values” and promoters of sexual abuse towards children and minors. 

You can read the letter of concern here.

The Human Rights House Network was intervening the UN Human Rights Council about this issue Friday 13-09 (2:18:56). Here we condemned the smear campaigns and threats against human rights organizations and human rights defenders in Armenia.