In front of the mural painted on the Human Rights House Zagreb by Miron Milić and dedicated to all whistleblowers, the organizers have warned of the need to adopt law on protection of whistleblowers and all reporters of irregularities.

“Whistleblowers play an important role in a democratic society and protection of human rights”, said Ivan Novosel from the Human Rights House Zagreb. “Due to insufficient legislative framework, whistleblowers in Croatia currently present endangered species that are actively persecuted. Therefore, this initiative primarily calls upon the Croatian Government to follow the good examples from the SEE and the EU countries in order to adopt a comprehensive law on the protection of whistleblowers”, concluded Novosel.
Emina Bužinkić from the Center for Peace Studies presented The Educational Whistle, a new tool that should facilitate the exposure of the irregularities in the educational system. It should enable the local NGOs and provide support to educational staff to keep a unified track and to simultaneously provide analysis of processes concerning the educational system, from the educational policies to everyday practices – all with a future goal of shaping a more transparent, fair and democratic educational system for all included.