Mother of executed Uladzislau Kavaliou, whom the Supreme Court found guilty of Minsk metro bombing together with Dzmitry Kanavalau, still continues struggling for the good name of her son. She believes that both young men have been sentenced to death unlawfully and demands to get back her son’s body or at least be informed about the place of his burial. She also stands for the abolishment of the death penalty in Belarus.
Struggling for her son’s life this mother has applied to all relevant state agencies in Belarus, has repeatedly appealed personally to Aliaksandr Lukashenka, demanding an objective investigation into the criminal case within the framework of which Kanavalau and Kavaliou had been executed by shooting.
Liubou Kavaliova has also applied to international institutions. The UN Human Rights Committee replied to her complaint with a decision according to which the rights to life, defense, a fair trial and judicial review have been violated towards Uladzislau Kavaliou.According to the Human Rights Committee, Belarus also violated a number of provisions of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
In late January, Liubou Kavaliova, mother of the executed Uladzislau Kavaliou, received a reply from the High Commissioner, reporting that they are waiting until 3 July of this year, for the information on measures taken by the Belarusian government to implement the decision of the UN Human Rights Committee in the case of her son.
According to the decision of the UN Committee on Human Rights, Belarus must recognize that it has violated the rights to life, defense, a fair trial and judicial review towards Uladzislau Kavaliou.
Having found about her becoming “Person of the year 2012 in Vitsebsk” as a result of on-line voting, Liubou Kavaliova said: “Of course, it is pleasant, as it supports my efforts.Those who voted for me, share my views and help me in the struggle for Ulad’s good name. However, I am not proud of such a fame, it would be better if our children were still alive. That’s why this recognition is a very painful reminder that neither Ulad, nor Dzima can be returned back”.
Raman Kisliak, human rights defender, who helps Liubou Kavaliouva, hopes that this time Belarus will act as a civilized state and return to fulfillment of its obligations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights – will publish the decision and will take action to prevent such violations in the future.
On 30 November 2011 the Supreme Court of the Republic of Belarus has passed a death sentence in the case of Dzmitry Kanavalau and Uladzislau Kavaliou, who were accused of committing a series of bombings, including the one during the celebration of Independence Day in 2008, and the terrorist attack in Minsk Metro on 11 April 2011.The state prosecutor in his speech demanded capital punishment to the both accused. On 14 March, 2012 it became known that President Aliaksandr Lukashenka refused to pardon Dzmitry Kanavalau and Uladzislau Kavaliou, who had been sentenced to death for the terrorist attack in Minsk metro. On 17 March Kavaliou’s relatives received a letter from the Supreme Court informing that his execution was carried out.
Execution of death penalty in Belarus is human rights violation:
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