The Commentary, which is published in a book form, includes an analysis of the Belarusian legislation on advocacy and its compliance with international standards. In this edition the authors, who are lawyers from different countries, share their recommendations on those aspects, that can be changed in the law, in order to bring it into compliance with international standards. The experience of neighboring countries – Poland, Russia and Ukraine was taking into account while preparing the Commentary. Experts from these countries have been participating in the work on this publication, and were able to share their knowledge and practical experience in this field.

The lawyer’s status, free legal aid, the independence of advocacy activities – these and other problematic aspects of the Belarusian legislation on the advocacy have been analyzed in the book.During the discussion, the participants could ask questions and comment on the work of the Commentary authors. Particular attention was paid to the discussion of regulation of relations between the legal profession and the state. The lawyers and former lawyers, who were deprived of status of the lawyer because their professional activities, were present and noted that this question is of fundamental importance in the work of a lawyer. “This influences the client’s trust for the lawyer. The lawyer needs independence so heshe could provide effective assistance, otherwise the client would not trust this lawyer, “- said the former lawyer Vladimir Bukshtynov. Former lawyer Tatyana Ageeva noted, that a lawyer who feels the pressure can not provide adequate legal advice: “It’s the question of the quality of work. If a lawyer is not independent or is afraid to speak, the quality of protection just cannot be good.”

During the presentation it was also noted that at the moment a working group to amend the law on advocacy is established at the state level and the Commentaty may be very helpful.

“We are interested in ensuring that the Law on Advocacy guarantee people the right to effective legal assistance, provided by an independent lawyer. We are open for discussion and collaboration, ready to participate in improving the existing legislation on the legal profession, which now need to be changed,”- said Oleg Ageev, the lawyer, manager of the training program Bring International Standards Home. De facto implementation of international obligations of the Republic of Belarus in the field of civil rights and freedoms“, during his presentation.

As reported in the summary, the book is addressed primarily to lawyers and government officials. Because of this, special delivery of 850 copies of the book was organized to the legal community and government agencies that are engaged in the regulation of advocacy.

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