A coalition of Russian and international human rights organizations united today to condemn in the strongest terms the taking hostage and killing of hundreds of children, parents and teachers by a group of armed men and women in a school in the city of Beslan, North Ossetia, in the North Caucasus region of the Russian Federation. (08-SEP-04)

The crisis began on 1 September when armed men and women burst into
the school as approximately one thousand children, their parents and
teachers had gathered to celebrate the beginning of the academic year. The
composition of the group of hostage-takers has not been clarified,
however, it has been reported that some of their demands were related to
the armed conflict in the Chechen Republic.

The armed group held the hostages without food or drinking water for over 48 hours before Russian security forces, at approximately 13:00 on 3 September, stormed the school in circumstances that still remain unclear. It has been reported that over 325 hostages, almost half of them children, were killed; hundreds more were taken to hospital suffering from injuries of varying degrees of severity.

The actions taken by the armed group: taking over 1,000 people as
hostages, including young children – the most vulnerable members of
society; depriving them of food and water for over 48 hours; issuing
repeated death threats against them; and the subsequent deliberate
killing of many hostages – are all flagrant abuses of international
and domestic law.

“This abhorrent and calculated action by an armed group on a school
displays a callous disregard for civilian life,” the organizations
stated. “It is an attack on the most fundamental right – the right to
life; our organizations denounce this act unreservedly.”

We are also seriously concerned that the authorities have been
covering up the extent of the crisis, including by providing
misleading data on the number of hostages, and urge the authorities to
ensure that the investigation into the full circumstances of the school
hostage-taking incident encompasses an investigation into the way in which
the authorities released information, both to the public and to the
families of the hostages. We call for the findings of the investigation to
be made publicly available.

The Beslan attack took place against a backdrop of five years of
widespread, persistent and largely unpunished human rights violations by
Russian troops against civilians in the Chechen Republic as well as egregious human
rights abuses by rebel fighters. The impunity for such abuses has served
to perpetuate the conflict and has led to serious human rights atrocities
committed by both sides. In our opinion, lasting peace in the Chechen Republic cannot
be achieved without justice for all victims of human rights abuses
committed in the context of the conflict, and without ensuring the
establishment of the rule of law and human rights protection for all. We
call on the Russian authorities to take measures to ensure that persons
responsible for human rights abuses in the Chechen Republic are brought to justice in
an independent and impartial court of law in accordance with international
standards, whether they fought on the Russian or rebel side.

We remind the Russian government of its positive obligation to protect
civilians at risk of spontaneous reprisal attacks in North Ossetia,
Ingushetia, the Chechen Republic and other Russian regions. We similarly urge the
authorities to ensure that law-enforcement operations aimed at bringing
those responsible for the Beslan attack to justice are conducted in full
accordance with international human rights standards.

At this tragic time, we extend our condolences and deepest sympathy to the
victims, their relatives and the people of Beslan.

Hostage-taking is universally condemned in a number of international
legal documents: in particular the 1979 UN Convention Against the
Taking of Hostages, which qualifies these acts as an “offence of grave
concern to the international community” and demands that “any person
committing an act of hostage taking shall either be prosecuted or
extradited”. The UN Security Council, in a Presidential Statement of 1
September 2004, condemned the hostage-taking in North Ossetia in the
strongest terms and urged States actively to cooperate with the Russian
authorities in efforts to bring the perpetrators to justice.

Join AI in expressing solidarity and condolences. Visit:

For more information on the Russian Federation please go to:

For more information and comments, please contact:

Arsenii Rogunsky, Representative, Human Rights Centre “Memorial”, +7
095 209 7883 Tanya Lokshina, Programmes Director, Moscow Helsinki
Group, +7 095 207 6069, +7 916 624 1906 (mobile) Lev Ponomarev,
Executive Director, All-Russia Movement for Human Rights, +7 095 203
5010, + 7 916 690 8310 (mobile) Lydia Aroyo, Europe and Central Asia
Press Officer, Amnesty International, +44 20 7413 5599, +44 (0)7771
796 350 (mobile) Diederik Lohman, Senior Researcher, Human Rights
Watch, +1 212 290 4700 Press officer, International Federation for
Human Rights (FIDH), +33 (0) 1 43 55 25 18 Aaron Rhodes, Executive
Director, International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights,
+43-676-635-6612 (mobile) Alexey Korotaev, Geneva Representative,
International League for Human Rights, +4178-769-8390