All representatives of IPA were authorized by Federal Ombudsman to visit medical closed establishments, examine documentation, and hold meetings and expertise to control over medical closed establishments.

The visitors met Deputy Chief of the Mental Health Facility №5 Yuri Kaganovich and other medical staff, did the rounds, talked with the patients, studied documentation, and examined one of the patients at his request. The visitors were also accompanied by representatives of Moscow Department of Health Care.

As a result of the inspection many violations of patients’ rights were revealed, which, however, can hardly be proved because of a lack of legislative norms, regulating compulsory treatment in clinics. To fill the gap the draft documents should be worked out, discussed among the stakeholders and public society and passed by legislative and executive bodies. At present patients live in humiliating human dignity conditions which can be considered as tortures. The inspectors concluded that the facility should be reformed; physical conditions should be improved significantly and control over the establishments of that kind  should be realized on a regular basis.