The International Day in Support of Victims of Torture is celebrated on 26 June. This date, proclaimed in 1997 by the United Nations, was directed towards the full eradication of torture and guaranteeing the effectiveness of the “Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment”. (29-JUN-08)

Written by Maria Paramonova/HRH Moscow

“Public Verdict” Foundation
Public Verdict Fund.Since 2004, the “Public Verdict” Foundation has rendered legal aid in the protection of human rights to those citizens who suffered from the illegal activities of the Russian law enforcement bodies, including torture. The Foundation’s purpose is to create within the country an atmosphere of intolerance to human rights violations by law enforcement bodies. The founders of the Fund are well-known Russian human rights and charitable organizations – the International Society “Memorial”; the Moscow Helsinki Group; the Interegional Public Organization “Open Russia”; the International Foundation “Democracy” (Alexander Yakovleva´s Foundation); and the Foundation “Regions of Russia”.

Citizens’ complaints
In 2007 alone, 116 appeals of citizens from various regions of the country were sent to the Foundation. Most of their complaints were connected with torture and cruel treatment from the militia. Criminal charges in accordance with article 285, 286 Criminal Code of the Russian Federation were brought against 30 members of law enforcement bodies. 14 of the accused were found guilty. 16 members of law enforcement bodies were charged with having committed crimes.

The inevitability of punishment for cruel crimes should not be forgotten
TaubinaAccording to Natalia Taubina (photo) , director of the “Public Verdict” Foundation, “The problem is important; our work proves it. As of today, out of all the cases being worked on by the Fund, almost 70 % are in some way connected with torture and cruel treatment from law enforcement bodies. The solution to this problem is possible if there is the political will and desire to reform the law enforcement bodies. In this case human rights should become the basis of this reform. It is possible to speak about an increase in the professionalism of law enforcement members, about an improvement in the material and technical base. But the quality of investigations and the inevitability of punishment for cruel crimes should not be forgotten. Society should play an essential role in this. But this aspiration should be born from within. Society should be interested in supervising the actions law enforcement bodies. When the state is under the control of society, and society supervises the state, it is possible to change something”.

Law enforcement bodies have realized that it is possible to be held responsible for their activities
Alexeeva LudmilaLyudmila Alekseeva (photo) , chair of the Moscow Helsinki Group, a member of the Council of founders of the “Public Verdict” Foundation says:
“The question of torture is very sharp in our country. It was difficult for human rights defenders to initiate an arbitrariness case against members of law enforcement bodies before the appearance of the “Public Verdict” Foundation. Such cases were rare. What the Foundation and other human rights organizations have accomplished, has affected law enforcement bodies’ work. I cannot say that cases of torture have stopped but law enforcement bodies have probably realized that it is possible to be held responsible for their activities. For example, with regards to the Moscow militia, in my opinion, cases of illegal activities have been reduced. It is very important, that “Public Verdict” also promote the creation of similar organizations in Russia’s regions. Society can also help in solving the problem of torture. First of all, it is necessary for citizens to go public with their history of torture, although it is certainly understandable that people who have been tortured are afraid to tell their story out of fear for their future”.