Last week Zene Zenama – Women to Women in co-operation with Independent Trade Union in BiH organised, a public discussion on a topic “Implementation of Likvidacy law- influence on women rights, woman position and other consequences.” A symbolic meaning was that discussion held in the building of Independent Trade Union of BiH, one of important organisations that fight for labour rights. Women in trade-memberships and Women to Women are very well known with consequences Likvidacy law will bring in a future. All economic researches that were made in BiH showed that poverty level is in growth. The most people are unemployed and fight with poverty that touches not only women population, men too, but since women are traditionally less protected, the influence on them is strong. Public discussion is a part of the program “Women and women organisations in BiH”. The main goal is to improve women position, specifically the most imperilled groups. That program was realised from a simple need for women emancipation, their presence and activities in public and private life. The program’s policy and its implementation achieved the sixth year of existence following important political, economical and social trends. Discussion opened questions about problems that follow Licvidacy law. The Law was adopted in June 2003, and it was attempt for solving economical crises. But, the same law showed very bed results. Firstly, is resulted closing the most of companies what means that labour contracts had to be broken and most employees stayed jobless. Also there is bad implementation of the Law because of absence of underlaws that help in implementation. The absence of social care is seenable too because there is no law which orders paying pension and health insurance, unpaid cellaries. Trade members also talked about bed communication between Trade Union and private companies. However, they showed easiest way to go out from difficulties and to stop the implementation of this law.

Influence of Likvidacy law on women position in BiH
Last week Zene Zenama – Women to Women in co-operation with Independent Trade Union in BiH, organised a public discussion on a topic “Implementation of Likvidacy law – influence on women rights, woman position and other consequences.” (29-MAY-04)