On 21 September in Warsaw, the largest annual European Conference on Human Rights and Democracy, organized by the OSCE ODIHR, has started. During his speech, the human rights defender Uladzimir Labkovich noted that this year’s presidential election is set against the backdrop of significant changes in the geopolitical situation in the region caused by the Ukrainian-Russian conflict and the deterioration of the domestic economic situation. Uladzimir Labkovich highlighted, that on 22 August six political prisoners were released according to the Presidential Decree. On 31 August youth activists, charged in so-called “graffiti case”, were released on recognizance not to leave, as well as on 9 September punitive measure were changed to the written undertaking not to leave for a former presidential candidate, Ales Mikhalevich.

“Human rights activists welcomed these steps of the Belarusian authorities, however, only systemic steps to improve the human rights situation in the country will be able to contribute to the true climate of confidence in the Belarusian society and become a real proof of the authorities’ readiness to launch reforms. We demand the immediate lifting of all criminal charges against the above persons: despite the fact that they are at large, they are still under criminal investigation,” – said the human rights defender.

Speaking of the elections, coordinator of the campaign “Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections” noted that the OSCE recommendations to improve the electoral law, which were made on the basis of observations of previous election campaigns, have not been taken into account. Moreover, the recent changes in 2013 to the Electoral Code worsened campaigning conditions.

“We note with regret that the Central Election Commission did not agree with the human rights defenders’ proposal on the improvement of vote-counting conditions. The process of forming the territorial district commissions retained its negative approach. As before, the main organizers of the elections in Belarus are pro-government NGOs, which compose 35.6% of the total number of members of election commissions. At the same time, the overwhelming majority of representatives from the opposition parties were not included in the election commissions. The commissions included only 6% of the total number nominated by the opposition, which constitutes at little as 0.46% of the overall election commissioners. In particular, the city of Minsk, home to 20% of the country’s voters, does not have a single representative of the opposition in the election commissions. Such a scanty representation of the opposition in the commissions has not been witnessed in any of the previous presidential elections.” – said the human rights defender. 

Uladzimir Labkovich noted, that in this way, trying to create the appearance of a competitive campaign, the authorities retained full control over electoral procedures. 

We urge the authorities not to apply administrative pressure on voters, forcing them to participate in the ballot, as well as to change the vicious practice of non-transparent vote counting. It is imperative that both members of the election commissions and observers could see the count of each ballot. Otherwise, we cannot speak of any progress concerning elections in Belarus.” – noted Uladzimir Labkovich.

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