According to the deputy head of “Viasna” Valiantsin Stefanovich (left), from the beginning of 2014 in Belarus two death sentences were executed and two convicts are on death row now.

“From 2010 to present time, we know about the execution of nine people, – he stressed. – Of particular concern is the fact that in five cases, the death penalty was applied despite the fact that the individual applications of the convicts were registered in the Human Rights Committee of the United Nations, and in respect to the appeals UN procedure №92 was initiated. This means that the Belarusian authorities had been informed by the Committee about getting these appeals and that sentences can not be enforced while appeals were pending”.

In addition, Stefanovich stated, the Supreme Court as the court of last instance continues to sentence to death, the sentence takes effect immediately after the announcement and cassational appeal is not applicable. “This happened in the case of Kavaliou and Kanavalau, who were executed within two months after passing of the verdict,” – said the human rights defender.

“We call on Belarus to change the procedure of execution of death sentence, which has repeatedly been recognized by the Human Rights Committee of the United Nations as a cruel and inhuman treatment – said Stefanovich. – This means not letting the relatives take bodies of executed, concealment of the burial place, failing to inform the relatives about the time and place of execution. “

The recommendations, which will be presented by human rights activists to countries that are part of the Human Rights Committee of the United Nations, will request that Belarus is recommended to ratify the Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, said Stefanovich. Thus Belarus would assume the obligation to introduce a moratorium on the death penalty and change the law.

“The country can not be a member of the Council of Europe without a moratorium on the death penalty,” – said a human rights activist.

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