During the action, members of the Youth Group distributed charters and roses, which they made by themselves, and T-shirts, pendants, magnets, declarations and pencils that were provided by Swedish Helsinki Committee. As a part of regional agreement, the group also shared free hugs. On the flipcharts that were set next to our stand, people wrote peace messages and their right that are being violated every day.

The street action was well accepted by the local people and the media in Sarajevo. To attract the attention of the citizens, members of the Youth group made a “live wall” on the most crowded street in Sarajevo, not allowing people to pass by them unless they hug them and singing all songs they knew with lyrics which included the word “hug”. As the result, some of the young people joined them in hugging people and singing.

After distributing all the material and hugging more than 200 people, the group moved to International Youth Center in Sarajevo, where the manifestation called “Youth activism days” took place. The group had a stand where members gave some information about the group and street action, presented projects and distributed leaflets.

In the end, the group had a very successful day which made a huge impact on team building and making the human rights a bit closer to people at least for one day.

Same action took place in Skopje, Bijeljina, Beograd, Zajecar, Zrenjanin, Novi Sad, Kragujevac and Novi Pazar, as agreed on the regional meeting of human rights schools in Kosovo last month.